As an employee of an aftermarket auto part store we get a moderate amount of letters from inmates requesting catalogs. In most cases, as you will find out if you continue reading, even though we send out the request, the catalogs generally aren't received because there is what some might consider objectionable material in the catalog. That said, several days ago we got a request for a pen pal from a woman named Carolyn, I wont include her picture for the sake of keeping at least some semblance of her privacy. But seeing as at least five of the employees here have read her letter, I submit for you here, now her letter and my response. Enjoy. And show Carolyn some love, write her a letter.
Have you written a prisoner today?
Take some time to write Carolyn, Let her know what a dick I am et cetera, ad infinitium. Or just to shoot the shit; maybe find out some of the answers to the questions I asked.